Learn, how you can fill out the registration form in 3 simple steps and your data in advance.
This saves you time at check-in!
Shortly after your booking you will receive your access by e-mail.
Click on the link to go directly to your reservation.
Click on “Fill out registration form ” and enter your reservation details.
If you need an invoice that is issued to a company, you can already specify a different invoice address.
The quickest way to contact us is via WhatsApp or our chatbot.
Send us a WhatsApp message to +49894132560300 or simply click on the chat icon.
If the queue at reception is a little longer, you can of course also use our self-check-in and simply save time!
Watch the video to see how quick and easy it is.
Impressum AGB Datenschutz Kontakt ABASTO Hotels ©️ 2022 – made with ♥ Punktplanung